Mega Bundle - Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO 3.0 & Premium & Zombie & Fantasy & BattleMat DLC's
Axis Game Factory

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This bundle includes:
- AGFPRO Premium Edition V3
- AGFPRO Zombie FPS Player (DLC)
- AGFPRO BattleMat Multi-Player (DLC)
- AGFPRO Fantasy Side-Scroller Player (DLC)
AGFPRO v3.0 is a comprehensive toolset designed to provide game developers and enthusiasts with a powerful and rapid level creation, terrain/vegetation editing, lighting and atmosphere system.
AGF is an independent product that empowers users to create game levels and environments for many types of game genres, and the AGFPRO v3.0 PREMIUM version is also designed to work in concert with the Free and Pro versions of the Unity 5 game engine to allow further customization and game publishing. AGF runs on the PC, MAC and LINUX systems.
AGF allows developers to rapidly create game maps, sculpt terrain and design levels quickly and easily. With over 1000+ assets pre-stocked in the warehouse, along with 48 pre-set themes and 8 sample maps, developers and enthusiasts can begin creating levels in minutes. AGFPRO v3.0 includes all of the necessary tools to allow users the ability to import AGF scenes into Unity3d Free and Pro 5.
Creating game levels and maps in AGFPRO is easy and fun - now ANYONE can create their own quality game maps without having to program, model or animate!
Please note that in order to use AGFPRO Premium (DLC), you must first purchase AGFPRO.
AGFPRO v3.0 now Features Nine (9) Key Areas or Apps for Development that Include:
- AGF Launch Pad
- AGF World Editor
- AGF Construct App
- AGF Browser
- AGF Packager
- AGF Scene Loader
- ARGP Player (Internal & External)
- Platform Player (Internal & External)
- FPS Player (External)
New v3.0 AGF Launch Pad:
- This App replaces the AGF editor from the AGF icon in Steam
- Launches all AGF Apps including the Editor from one toolbar
- No need to go through the Editor to launch the Players
New v3.0 AGF World Editor Features:
- Redesigned GUI in the Editor
- Dropdown menu system
- Collapsing, drag-able windows with easy to see icons
- 3x Speed increase for terrain sculpting
- New Smoothing feature for the terrain sculpting has been added to give the user the ability to smooth and soften terrain on their maps
- New X, Y, Z directional compass added to the Editor
- Camera automatically changes the atmosphere when users are underwater vs. above water
- Addition of "Build Time Clock" that is saved with each scene file every time users work, creating a standing time on how long each level takes to create
User-Friendly Project Creation Wizard
- Extensive library of pre-set themes for immediate level design
- Themes include lighting, atmosphere, terrain, vegetation, & water pre-defined
Intuitive User Interface with "Radial Menu" to expedite workflow
- Drag and reorganize windows to customize UI
- On & Off feature quickly hide menus
Advanced Terrain Creation System
- Adjustable: terrain size, splat map & vegetation detail resolution
- Supports terrains from 200 meters up to 200 meters down max
- Terrains are now expanded to a maximum terrain of 4,000 meters square
- 3x Speed increase for terrain sculpting
- 10 levels of undo for terrain editing
- Undo Vegetation, Painting and Sculpting independent of each other
Paint, Sculpt and Plant vegetation individually or simultaneously
- Toggle: terrain visibility, painting, sculpting, planting
Sophisticated Brush Support
- Extensive brush library with adjustable brush size, rotation, power, blend
- Edit the entire Default Brush library for users preference
- Project specific and default brushes independent of each other
- Via the new integrated AGF Browser, users can now import their own original: Brushes, Terrain Textures, Terrain Vegetation Textures in PNG. Format
- Newly added: Custom Images can be both loaded and removed for the Brushes – Terrain and Vegetation
Real Time Terrain Deformation and Painting System with Tri-Planar Texturing with Normal Maps
- Toggle between tri-planar shader & simple
- Intuitive Terrain "Snap to Grid Height" to set terrain
- Numeric input and readout of terrain height at specific locations
Tri-Planar Shaders and Texturing
- Shader automatically maps terrain inclines with user defined texture
- Over 40 textures included with Normal Maps
Terrain Texture Color Tinting Feature
- Change individual textures or batch
- Change terrain textures quickly and update in real-time
Advanced Vegetation System
- Adjustable vegetation density & distance, unlimited layers
- Set vegetation min. width, height & color spectrum
Advanced Global Vegetation Editor
- Globally change vegetation color saturation, value, size, minimum width & height, color spectrums
Fully featured lighting and atmosphere configuration allows quick real time and run-time customization
- Customized Lighting System
- Key, Fill, Back, and Ambient light sources
- Set light colors, flares & shadow configurations
- Extensive Lens Flares to “main” light in lighting rig (over 15)
- Newly added Underwater Lighting system
- Fog System
- Global and simple fog with a variety of parameters: density, falloff, color and distance
- Set fog haze, density, distance, color, height and falloff
- Newly added Fog System
- Skyboxes – Select skybox cube maps with the ability to apply rotation & tint
- Beautiful water system with sliders for wave direction, speed, intensity, refraction/reflection color and foam properties
Geometry Brush System
- Create unlimited sets of geometry brushes
- Brushes function as an independent layer to edit
- Set min/max scale range
- Randomly rotate X, Y, Z coordinates
- Align to Normal
- Spray geometry from camera view direction
User-friendly file saving thumbnail generation for scenes when saved
Extensive Presets to quickly start scenes (48 included)
- Create custom presets and share with friends
Independent Pre-Fab Mode to create complex collections of assets outside of your scene
Fully featured transformation tools include:
- Select, Multiple-Select, Copy/Paste, Duplicate, Translate, Rotate & Scale
Intuitive Grid-Snapping and Collision Detection easily place objects in scene with new enhanced features that include:
- On screen display of Grid Size
- On screen display of Grid-Snap Setting
- There are now reference numbers for both the X or Z Axis, the numbers change dynamically with the scale of the grid
- Grid Reference Number Scaling and Display Settings can be defined by the user
New Construct App Feature:
- Gone is the old prefab workspace and it has been moved into its very own App
- Construct is where you go to create your own prefab assets from the always-expanding library of textures and assets (over 1,000+) that are available in the AGFPRO Warehouse
- Users can launch Construct from the Launchpad or from the Editor
- Use the “refresh assets” button to load prefabs into the Warehouse library
- Construct allows users to import their own .OBJ files (objects or assets) as well as .PNG texture files
- Load your own models, .OBJ files, directly into Construct – USERS NO LONGER HAVE TO IMPORT THEIR OWN ASSETS THROUGH UNITY PRO!!!!! This feature is included in AGFPRO and Premium.
- Combine several .OBJ files and save them as a Prefab to be used in the World Editor
New AGF Browser (file browser)
- This is a standalone browser that connects the AGF Apps together!
- The new AGF Browser is designed to be the glue that is used to bring in users custom content. Now users are able to bring in their own Textures and Objects files into AGF creations without the necessity of using Unity Free or Unity Pro… This feature is HUGE as it empowers users the flexibility to create their own custom levels with any supported asset types they choose to bring in with the ability to take their scene files back into Unity to publish their own work
New AGF Packager
- By popular demand – we have added this great feature… AGF DLC users are able to package their games easily and share with anyone! Just do the following:
- 1) Select the Game Type
- 2) Select the Project Folder
- 3) Select the Destination of the New Game onto User's Machine
- 4) Give a Name to the Game
- … And the AGF Packager does the rest… it's really that easy! Best of all, friends do not need to own AGF to run the packaged game, nor do they need to have a Steam account. The Packaged Game is completely stand-alone, DRM FREE, and redistribution of users game(s) is encouraged. AGF Packager will make a game for the OS that it was packaged on. The AGF packaged games are NOT intended for resale. It's about creating and sharing with all.
- As an option, the Packager will automatically zip the game(s) package for easy distribution and no installation is required for the end user to play – no installers are necessary for friends to play – just unzip and have fun!
New AGF Scene Loader Features:
- The AGF Scene Loader loads the AGF Scene Format into Unity Free and Unity Pro
- Custom Images that are used on terrains now load into Unity with scene(s) created in AGF
- Any locked assets in an AGF scene are no longer an issue… The AGF/Unity Scene Loader skips any assets that are not supposed to load automatically
- Any OBJ files that are loaded into AGF will also be loaded into Unity Free and Pro
Action Role-Playing Game Player:
- The ARGP Player provides users with player and camera controls that are genre specific for ARPG game creation
- Using the Internal Player, creations can be played in real-time to play test map creations
- The External Player allows users the ability to package and send their levels to others to play
Platform Player:
- The Platform Player provides users with player and camera controls that are genre specific for Platform game level creation
- The Internal Player allows users to immediately play and test their game maps in real-time
- The External Player allows users the ability to package and send their levels to others to play
First-Person Shooter Player:
- This Player provides the user with an FPS camera and controller, specific for FPS game level creation and play testing
- The FPS Player can be used with the AGF Packager to package their game levels to share with others
- This Player also supports Scene-Linking and allows users to share their AGF FPS game level creations with friends and link their maps together for endless gameplay!
- FPS Weapon asset packs are also included
More Information on what AGFPRO is and what you can do with AGFPRO
- Users are able to create game levels and maps using the software and also place characters (provided with the software) to play and explore their levels with multiple player style options (Action Role Playing, Platformer, FPS)
- Just to be CLEAR – AGFPRO is NOT a game engine. It is literally made using the Unity game engine. AGFPRO is a real-time, RAPID Game Environment Development Toolkit and is made to be used in concert with Unity Free and Pro for level/map creation. – However, AGFPRO does NOT need Unity to run or create levels/maps.
- The scene files that users create in AGFPRO “Basic” and “Premium” can be imported into Unity4 Free and Pro using our AGF/Unity tools.
- By using the DLC we have already released for AGFPRO (Fantasy Side-Scroller, Zombie FPS, Drone Kombat, BattleMat Multiplayer & Voxel Sculp), users are able to create playable levels with AGFPRO (only – not viable with Unity) with a variety of characters, assets, gameplay mechanics and special feature, “Scene-Linking” to connect game levels
- There are limitations to some asset packs “locked (L)” that limit the users from loading these assets into Unity. All unlocked asset packs are free of copyright and can be used via Unity for redistribution per the terms of the EULA
- http://ttp://
- The redistribution or “sharing” of the games users are able to make using AGF and DLC “Players” is a feature we are working on at this time and will be made available to users at no additional fee
- Users are also able to create and place specific game play mechanics that are provided in the software
- Full customization of your levels and maps is possible with AGFPRO Premium and Unity Pro, whereby users are able to bring in their own assets and models to make their games unique and further commercialize, making a complete Stand-Alone game
About Axis Game Factory's Zombie FPS Player (DLC)
Zombie FPS Player is a new DLC for Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO and PREMIUM that allows users the ability to create their own 3D Zombie Shooter games from a first-person shooter perspective.
Packed with tons of assets, features and game player mechanics, users are able to create endless custom Zombie themed games that include: five custom enemy types of characters each with unique abilities and animations, a wide variety of weapons, health and other pick-ups, assets tuned with game-play mechanics, environment assets for interior and exterior map creation, explosive assets, scene-linking for endless map connections, FPS game play, sounds, sound effects, and custom placement for all enemy characters, start and end points. Get ready for some serious fun and immediate satisfaction creating your own Zombie FPS games to play AND share with your friends!!
Features Include:
- Player Start Locations
- Player Exit Locations
- Enemy Placement
- Variety of weapons
- Player Pick-Ups – weapons, ammo, health, etc.
- FPS Game Play
- Game Play Mechanics
- Five unique Enemy Zombie Characters included
- Custom animations set for all Zombie Characters
- Assets programmed with Game Play Mechanics
- Destructible assets
- Scene-Linking – Players are able to connect maps with start and exit points for endless gameplay
- Custom GUI
- Sound and Sound Effects
Please note that the Zombie FPS Player does not import into Unity and can only be played on the AGFPRO software platform
Additional characters, assets and gameplay features will be released in future DLC packs!
About Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO Fantasy Side-Scroller Player (DLC)
AGFPRO's Fantasy Side Scroller Player is a new DLC for Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO and PREMIUM that allows users the ability to build their own 3D games from a retro side-scroller perspective, allowing users to BUILD, PLAY and SHARE their own custom creations with other AGF users!!!
Using AGFPRO to effortlessly create maps, users will then be able to place features from the Fantasy Side-Scroller Player to customize their own unique side-scrolling games.
Features Include:
- Player Start Locations
- Player Exit Locations
- Enemy Placement
- Player Power-Ups – Super Speed, Super Jump, Invincibility, etc.
- Player Pick-Ups
- Hack'n Slash Game Play
- Game Play Mechanics
- Two unique Player Characters include – Knight and Wizard (next update will include Sorceress and Monk)
- Custom animations set for all Player and Enemy Characters
- Each Player Character includes unique abilities
- Assets programmed with Game Play Mechanics – Coins, breakable & exploding barrels and treasure chests
- Scene-Linking – Players are able to connect maps with start and exit points for endless gameplay connecting as many maps as you'd like!!
- Enemy Scalability – choose from nine (9) different enemy Orc's - you can set the scale of the enemy characters!
- Custom GUI
- Sound and Sound Effects
Get ready for some serious fun and immediate satisfaction creating your own side-scrolling maps to play AND share with your friends!!
This is a DLC product and you must first purchase AGFPRO in order to utilize.
Additional characters and features will be released in future DLC packs!
The side scroller assets and player are locked to AGF and cannot be used in Unity. They are deisigned only to be used with Axis Game Factory and the Fantasy Side-Scoller Player!
Please note that the Fantasy Side-Scroller Player does not import into Unity and can only be played on the AGFPRO software platform.
About Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO BattleMat Multi-Player (DLC)
Invite your friends to a fun multi-player (up to 8 players) RPG adventure where the only limit is your imagination. Use the GM (Game Master) system to lead your friends on a journey of heroic proportion. Don't want to worry about a GM, no problem.. Build a fully Co-op world of adventure and quest hand in hand! Take the battle to the next level by building Armies and battling to the death! Need more tactics.. Teams of players can join forces and fight for total domination of the Map with our Objective System. Can't finish the battle because real life gets in the way.. Save your game for later, players can drop in and out of saves easily with the GM Miniature Assignment System. Too much story for you.. load a map, drop in some miniatures and enjoy a quick and dirty battle. You make the rules, so any game system you have played in the past can be enjoyed in Battlemat's versatile multi-player 'Virtual Playing Space'. All these great game modes and any others you may make for yourself are played on Maps and Dungeons you create in AGFPro Basic or Premium Edition.
* AGFPro Basic or Premium Edition is required to play this DLC
- Multi-Player Adventures & Battles (up to 8 players)
- Pen & Paper Adventures (With a GM)
- Pen & Paper Co-op Adventures (GM Optional Co-op Mode)
- Tactical RPG Battles (Including Team Battles)
- Table Top Miniature Wars
- Fight for Map control with Objectives (Teams or Lone Wolf).
- Play with your old Pen & Paper friends Online (Multiplayer)
- Save your games for later
- Make entire Campaign with NPCs ,Merchants ,Quests and Loot (Tabletop Style) (Multi-Scene System)
- Use your own rules or make up your own games
- Share your Adventures & Campaigns with other Battlemat Players
- Use your Maps built in AGFPro Basic or Premium
- Build dungeon dynamically using our modular Dungeon Tile System
- Spice up your play session by dynamically placing anything you need on the fly
- Full Initiative System
- Dice Roller System
- Save stats in a Character Sheet for any or all Miniatures
- Keep Notes and other information in each miniatures Note System. This system can also be used for conversations,stores,quests on an NPC
- Robust Character Sheet System
- NPC System
- Dungeon Tile System
- Objectives System
- Placeables System
- Multiple Movement Systems Enabled
- Multiple Camera Systems Enabled
- A Randomizer..use it to choose Loot, Quests, Monsters and much more!
Additional characters, assets and gameplay features will be released in future DLC packs!
- OS: Windows 7 or better
- Processor: One Intel or AMD 3.0 GHz processor(s) or better
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia video cards made in 2009 - 2013 Intel 4000 - 5000
- DirectX: Version 10
- Hard Drive: 700 MB available space
- Sound Card: N/A
- Additional Notes: On 64 bit machines the following must be installed - Microsoft Visual C++ Redist (64)
- OS: Windows 7 or better
- Processor: Eight Intel or AMD 3.0 GHz processor(s) or better
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan
- DirectX: Version 11
- Hard Drive: 700 MB available space
- Sound Card: N/A
- Additional Notes: On 64 bit machines the following must be installed - Microsoft Visual C++ Redist (64)
- OS: Snow Leopard or better
- Processor: One Intel 3.0 GHz processor(s) or better
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia video cards made in 2009 - 2013 Intel 4000 - 5000
- Hard Drive: 700 MB available space
- Sound Card: N/A
- Additional Notes: More is better
- OS: Snow Leopard or better
- Processor: Eight Intel or AMD 3.0 GHz processor(s) or better
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan
- Hard Drive: 700 MB available space
- Sound Card: N/A
- Additional Notes: More is better
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or better
- Processor: Intel or AMD
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia video cards made in 2009 - 2013 Intel 4000 - 5000
- Hard Drive: 700 MB available space
- Sound Card: N/A
- Additional Notes: More is better
AGF PRO v03.0 and the AGF PRO v03.0 logo are registered trademarks of Axis Game Factory, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 or its affiliates. All rights reserved.